
The Russian Blue Cat


Russian Blues are mentioned in some Slav tales because they were in a privileged position at the Czars’ Court.

It is believed that some sailors brought the ancestors of this spectacular breed to England from the port of Arkhangelsk, situated in the White Sea.

At the cat shows at the end of the 19th century, all the blue cats competed in an only class, without any distinction, until 1912 when the Russian Blue was definitively recognized.

During the World War II, the Russian Blue was nearly lost as breeding came to a near stop, but luckily an English breeder, Mary Rochford, holder of the Dunloe franchising, did all she could to restore the Russian Blue to its original appearance as after the war the few specimens left were crossbred with the French Chartreux, with the British Shorthair Blue and with the Siamese Blue Point.

The Siamese kind was rejected in 1966 and in 1967 the first Club dedicated to the Russian Blue was founded: “ the Russian Blue Cat Club”. The Russian Blue is famous all over the world even if not very common and in Japan it is even venerated.

Nowadays at last, the Russian Blues we met at the cat shows have got the right recognition to their nobility.


The Russian Blue is a very affectionate and tender cat, it has no troubles to live in a flat and it develops very close bonds with its owner but without any form of jealousy.

Although it comes from the cold Russia, he loves hot habitat so much till asking for hospitality under the covers.

It’s a very tender-hearted cat and doesn’t like excessive noises so it’s suitable for quiet people.

It’s in perfect health and doesn’t need any particular care.



The Russian Blue is a mysterious cat; with its austere appearance, its emerald eyes that glitter in the light, it exalts the Slav charm concerning the catlike world.

Ears: Large, upright on the head with lightly rounded points.

Head: Wedge-shaped with a quite long and straight profile, a strong chin and a straight nose.

Eyes: Green, large and spaced, preferably almond-shaped. Their colour is definite after the first year of age.

Body: Long, lean and firmly muscled.

Paws: Thin and long, better with blue fingertips.

Tail: Thin, pointed and quite long.

Coat: Shorthair, thick, very soft and silky with a rich undercoat. Every blue shade is accepted: the most important thing is that it maintains the shimmering, silvery appearance, that is the peculiarity of the Russian Blue.

Daniela & Emiliano

Via mantegna, 16
Mombretto di Mediglia (MI)

Tel. +39 02-90601531
Tel. +39 348-4655980 Daniela

Fax 02-90601531
